A downloadable game for Windows

Temporarily taking down WebGL because plane acceleration is unplayably bugged sometimes for NO REASON!!! I LOVE WEBGL!!!

This game was made in 48 hours for Purdue ACM SIGGD's New Scene Jam, with the theme of 'Chains.'

Due to pixel perfect camera and WebGL shenanigans, the non-fullscreen WebGL window may have some visual issues. Play in fullscreen for the best browser experience!

How To Play

  • W - turn clockwise (pitch down)
  • S - turn counterclockwise (pitch up)
  • SPACEBAR - speed up
  • Left Shift - brake / drift (what's the airplane equivalent to drifting?)


Gameplay Tips

Wrecking ball physics in the air is hard to control, especially when you're being chased from behind. Here are some pointers from the best - and only - play tester(me!).

  1. Use momentum! Swing the wrecking ball by gaining some linear speed, then braking hard and rotating.
  2. Fly in smooth arcs, making sure to maintain your chain's momentum.
  3. Brake often to break ankles.
  4. Keep your distance. Your plane is faster than any drone, and the chain has more range than you'd think.
  5. Alternate between evading and swinging. If you mess up an engagement and your chain loses its momentum, back off and set up another attack.


Gosh, that was one hell of a night. At least, that's all you can assume, as you wake up with a massive headache in a desolate mountain range, piloting an airplane several hundred meters off the ground going Mach wahoo with a wrecking ball chained to the tail of said plane. 

What have you gotten yourself into?

Updated 2 days ago
Published 5 days ago
TagsArcade, Physics


drag2.zip 34 MB

Install instructions

Download file, unzip file, open folder, launch application titled 'planeChain.'

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