A downloadable game for Windows

This project was made in 7 days for 1-BIT JAM #2.

We at Avaritta Inc. bring solutions of the future, but unfortunately they are not on this planet. Fear not citizens - our highly maneuverable, automated S.O.S. PITO droids are en route to your locations to send you off this planet to one of our secure locations. There is no work/thinking required on your part, simply let us be everything! Yours beloved, at Avaritta.

As a lone PITO droid, navigate a dying metropolis (in which there seems to be a ton of boxes) in piety to your one and only purpose: rescue potential patrons of Avaritta. But as their numbers lessen, you begin to fear the loss of the only reason you've ever known.


  • ‘AD’ to move
  • ‘E’ to interact
  • 'SPACE' to Jump, HOLD to increase height
  • DOUBLE TAP ‘R’ to reset to last checkpoint
  • ‘P’ to pause


Dev Notes

This is my first game jam during school, and it was pretty interesting/hard to balance my time. Either way I had a fun time with the process for this one!

P.S. the last box puzzle can be solved with only 2 boxes rather than 3, see if you can figure it out!


sospitoPCJamBuild.zip 47 MB
sospitoWebGL5.zip 22 MB

Development log


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Such a nice music!

thank you so much!


Interesting game although I couldn't get very far (couldn't make those two block jumps).

I’m glad you liked it! Yeah the two block jumps can be a bit tricky, I implemented a little bit of coyote time to help with the platforming.

(1 edit)

I don't think I've heard of the phrase "coyote time" but I think I've encountered it before. Often enough to mess me up on games that don't use it. I guess that would explain the one time I did make it. I thought I was seeing things since I swear I was falling and THEN jumped over.

Thanks for sharing the game with us!

Edit: Yeah, that's definitely what I saw. I tried again and managed the first jump maybe 25-30% of the time but never twice in a row to make the second one.

I'm just guessing, but are you just tapping the spacebar? If you hold the button you get way more height on the jump.

Well... OK, now I feel a bit dumb. Lemme try it again.

lol its ok, i'll make some clarifications in the control descriptions